Contests and challenges are most often associated with open innovation. However, sometimes Creators need a more structured way to engage the crowd. SWIP Assignments let Creators find Contributors to solve specific tasks.
SWIP lets you find Assignments that use your unique set of skills and experience.
The details vary from Creator to Creator, but it all comes down to the same reason. They want to get something done. Creators are on SWIP already. They come here to create Challenges that leverage SWIP’s crowd of talent. But Challenges can take a lot of work.
Not all tasks require a crowdsourced competition. A Creator often knows what needs to be done and the kind of worker who needs to do the work. It could be a project unrelated to anything else the business does on SWIP. Or it could be work that complements a Challenge Project. A business may need an infographic describing a Challenge’s selection criteria. It only makes sense for them to rely on SWIP’s network of Contributors for talent to get the job done.
Of course, the relationship between a business and the best contributors to a Challenge may not end with the project’s completion. It is only natural that they will continue work together afterwards. The business may use Assignments to create follow-up projects from a completed Challenge, for example to build a prototype based on a winning solution of a challenge.
SWIP Assignments make it possible for you to develop long-lasting business relationships. The freedom and flexibility lets you do the work you want when you want.